Yearn Press Kit

A centralized asset bank for a decentralized brand.

Take the blue pill and enter the world of yearn.


Our professional typeface is Aeonik, it is the same typeface used in the logo but is available in different weights for flexibility of use. We use this whenever possible though professional and publishing software. Licence for Aeonik can be purchased here

Aeonik is our primary typeface and is used in both headlines and body copy. It is purposeful, elegant and timeless in design.

Aeonik Fono is our supporting typeface and can be used in sign-offs, headlines and numeral use. Do not set long paragraphs or body copy in Fono.

Aeonik Mono is our supporting typeface and can be used in web applications, in particular, numerals set in Mono work very well.

Aeonik can be set in a variety of weights and cases to create visual interest in our messaging, all underpinned by a consistent sign-off.

Web app using Aeonik Mono for numerals

Single line sub-brands or titles using the Yearn logo and Aeonik Fono